Why doesn’t use_exisiting_column parameter resolve conflicts here?
Image by Deen - hkhazo.biz.id

Why doesn’t use_exisiting_column parameter resolve conflicts here?

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Are you scratching your head, wondering why the use_exisiting_column parameter isn’t doing its job in resolving conflicts? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of data integration and explore the reasons behind this conundrum.

What is the use_exisiting_column parameter?

The use_exisiting_column parameter is a feature in data integration tools that allows users to specify whether to use an existing column or create a new one when merging data from multiple sources. This parameter is often used to resolve conflicts between different data sets.

How does it work?

The use_exisiting_column parameter works by checking if a column with the same name and data type already exists in the target table. If it does, the data from the source table is merged into the existing column. If not, a new column is created.

merge into target_table
using source_table
on target_table.id = source_table.id
when matched then
    update set column1 = source_table.column1,
             column2 = source_table.column2
when not matched then
    insert (column1, column2)
    values (source_table.column1, source_table.column2)
use_exisiting_column = true;

In the example above, the use_exisiting_column parameter is set to true. This means that if a column named “column1” or “column2” already exists in the target table, the data from the source table will be merged into the existing column. If not, a new column will be created.

Common scenarios where use_exisiting_column parameter fails to resolve conflicts

Despite its intended purpose, the use_exisiting_column parameter can sometimes fail to resolve conflicts. Let’s explore some common scenarios where this happens:

Scenario 1: Data type mismatch

If the data type of the existing column in the target table is different from the data type of the source column, the use_exisiting_column parameter may not work as expected.

column1 (integer)

column1 (varchar)

In this scenario, even if the use_exisiting_column parameter is set to true, the merge operation will fail because of the data type mismatch. To resolve this conflict, you’ll need to modify the data type of the existing column or create a new column with the correct data type.

Scenario 2: Column name mismatch

If the column names in the target table and source table don’t match exactly, the use_exisiting_column parameter won’t work.



In this scenario, the use_exisiting_column parameter will create a new column in the target table with the name “Column_One” because it doesn’t match the exact column name in the target table.

Scenario 3: Null value conflicts

If there are null values in the existing column in the target table, the use_exisiting_column parameter may not work as expected.

column1 (null)

column1 (value)

In this scenario, the use_exisiting_column parameter will update the existing column with the value from the source table, but if there are null values in the existing column, the merge operation may not produce the desired result. To resolve this conflict, you may need to handle null values explicitly.

Best practices to resolve conflicts with use_exisiting_column parameter

To ensure that the use_exisiting_column parameter resolves conflicts effectively, follow these best practices:

1. Verify data types: Ensure that the data types of the existing column in the target table and the source column match exactly.

2. Use exact column names: Make sure that the column names in the target table and source table match exactly, including case sensitivity.

3. Handle null values: Identify and handle null values explicitly to avoid unexpected results during the merge operation.

4. Use data profiling: Perform data profiling to identify and resolve data quality issues before merging data from multiple sources.

5. Test and validate: Test and validate the merge operation to ensure that the use_exisiting_column parameter is working as expected.


In conclusion, the use_exisiting_column parameter can be a powerful tool in resolving conflicts during data integration. However, it’s not a silver bullet, and you need to be aware of the common scenarios where it may fail to resolve conflicts. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can ensure that the use_exisiting_column parameter works effectively and produces the desired results.


Q: What is the purpose of the use_exisiting_column parameter?

A: The use_exisiting_column parameter is used to specify whether to use an existing column or create a new one when merging data from multiple sources.

Q: Why does the use_exisiting_column parameter fail to resolve conflicts?

A: The use_exisiting_column parameter can fail to resolve conflicts due to data type mismatches, column name mismatches, null value conflicts, and other data quality issues.

Q: How can I resolve conflicts using the use_exisiting_column parameter?

A: Follow best practices such as verifying data types, using exact column names, handling null values, using data profiling, and testing and validating the merge operation.

Scenario Conflict Resolution
Data type mismatch Modify data type of existing column or create new column
Column name mismatch Use exact column names
Null value conflicts Handle null values explicitly

This article has provided a comprehensive guide to understanding the use_exisiting_column parameter and resolving conflicts during data integration. By following the best practices and scenarios outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering data integration and resolving conflicts like a pro!

Happy integrating!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Why doesn’t use_exisiting_column parameter resolve conflicts here?” with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get clarity on the mysterious use_exisiting_column parameter!

Why doesn’t use_exisiting_column resolve conflicts when the column already exists?

The use_exisiting_column parameter only works when the column does not exist in the target table. If the column already exists, it will raise an error. This is because use_exisiting_column is meant to be used when you want to avoid creating a new column, not when you want to update an existing one.

What happens if I use use_exisiting_column with an existing column?

If you use use_exisiting_column with an existing column, it will raise a ValueError exception. This is because the parameter is designed to prevent conflicts, not resolve them. To update an existing column, you’ll need to use a different approach, like using the `alter` method.

Is use_exisiting_column only for new columns?

That’s correct! The use_exisiting_column parameter is specifically designed for creating new columns. If the column already exists, you’ll need to use a different method to update it.

How do I resolve conflicts when the column already exists?

To resolve conflicts when the column already exists, you can use the `alter` method to update the existing column. Alternatively, you can drop the existing column and then create a new one with the desired properties.

What’s the purpose of use_exisiting_column again?

The use_exisiting_column parameter is used to prevent creating a new column if it already exists in the target table. It helps avoid conflicts and unexpected behavior when working with existing columns.

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