Create Kotlin Class at Runtime using Kotlin Scripting which Inherits Another Class
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Create Kotlin Class at Runtime using Kotlin Scripting which Inherits Another Class

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Kotlin scripting is a powerful feature that allows you to create and execute Kotlin code at runtime. One of the most exciting applications of this feature is creating Kotlin classes dynamically, which can inherit from other classes. In this article, we’ll explore how to achieve this feat and unlock the full potential of Kotlin scripting.

Why Create Classes at Runtime?

Before we dive into the implementation, let’s discuss the benefits of creating classes at runtime. This approach offers several advantages:

  • Dynamic behavior**: By creating classes at runtime, you can adapt to changing requirements and generate code that’s tailored to specific situations.
  • Reduced boilerplate code**: With the ability to create classes dynamically, you can avoid writing redundant code and focus on the essential logic.
  • Improved flexibility**: Runtime class creation enables you to create classes that inherit from different parent classes, allowing for greater flexibility in your code.

Kotlin Scripting Basics

Before we create a Kotlin class at runtime, let’s cover the basics of Kotlin scripting. Kotlin scripting allows you to execute Kotlin code in a script-like fashion, without the need for a traditional Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This is achieved through the kotlin.script.templates package, which provides a set of APIs for executing Kotlin scripts.

import kotlin.script.templates.standard.ScriptTemplateDefinition
import kotlin.script.templates.standard. ScriptTemplateDefinitionFromClass

fun main() {
  val script = """
    println("Hello, World!")
  val scriptDef = ScriptTemplateDefinitionFromClass("MyScript", script)
  val result = scriptDef.eval()

In this example, we define a script template using the ScriptTemplateDefinitionFromClass class, passing in the script code as a string. We then evaluate the script using the eval() method, which executes the script and returns the result.

Creating a Kotlin Class at Runtime

Now that we’ve covered the basics of Kotlin scripting, let’s create a Kotlin class at runtime. To achieve this, we’ll use the package in conjunction with the package, which provides reflection capabilities.

import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.reflect.full.createInstance
import kotlin.script.templates.standard.ScriptTemplateDefinition
import kotlin.script.templates.standard.ScriptTemplateDefinitionFromClass

fun createClassAtRuntime(parentClass: KClass<>): KClass<> {
  val script = """
    class RuntimeClass : ${parentClass.simpleName}() {
      fun sayHello() {
        println("Hello from RuntimeClass!")
  val scriptDef = ScriptTemplateDefinitionFromClass("RuntimeClass", script)
  val clazz = scriptDef.eval() as KClass<>
  return clazz

fun main() {
  val parentClass = MyClass::class
  val runtimeClass = createClassAtRuntime(parentClass)
  val instance = runtimeClass.createInstance()

class MyClass {
  fun sayGoodbye() {
    println("Goodbye from MyClass!")

In this example, we define a function createClassAtRuntime that takes a parent class as a parameter. We create a script template with a class definition that inherits from the parent class. The script is then evaluated, and the resulting class is returned.

In the main function, we call the createClassAtRuntime function, passing in the MyClass class as the parent class. We create an instance of the runtime class and call the sayHello method, which is defined in the runtime class.

Inheriting from Another Class

As we’ve seen in the previous example, creating a Kotlin class at runtime is relatively straightforward. However, what if we want to inherit from another class? In Kotlin, you can inherit from a class using the :<ParentClass> syntax.

class RuntimeClass : MyClass() {
  fun sayHello() {
    println("Hello from RuntimeClass!")

In this example, the RuntimeClass class inherits from the MyClass class. We can access the members of the parent class using the super keyword.

class RuntimeClass : MyClass() {
  fun sayGoodbye() {
    println("Goodbye from RuntimeClass!")

In this example, the sayGoodbye method in the RuntimeClass class calls the sayGoodbye method of the parent class using the super keyword.

Dynamic Inheritance

But what if we want to inherit from a class dynamically, at runtime? This is where Kotlin scripting comes into play. We can create a script that defines a class that inherits from another class, and then evaluate the script to create the class.

import kotlin.script.templates.standard.ScriptTemplateDefinition
import kotlin.script.templates.standard.ScriptTemplateDefinitionFromClass

fun createClassAtRuntime(parentClass: KClass<>): KClass<> {
  val script = """
    class RuntimeClass : ${parentClass.simpleName}() {
      fun sayHello() {
        println("Hello from RuntimeClass!")
  val scriptDef = ScriptTemplateDefinitionFromClass("RuntimeClass", script)
  val clazz = scriptDef.eval() as KClass<>
  return clazz

fun main() {
  val parentClass = MyClass::class
  val runtimeClass = createClassAtRuntime(parentClass)
  val instance = runtimeClass.createInstance()

class MyClass {
  fun sayGoodbye() {
    println("Goodbye from MyClass!")

In this example, we define a function createClassAtRuntime that takes a parent class as a parameter. We create a script template with a class definition that inherits from the parent class. The script is then evaluated, and the resulting class is returned.

In the main function, we call the createClassAtRuntime function, passing in the MyClass class as the parent class. We create an instance of the runtime class and call the sayHello method, which is defined in the runtime class.

Benefits and Drawbacks

Creating Kotlin classes at runtime using Kotlin scripting offers several benefits, including dynamic behavior, reduced boilerplate code, and improved flexibility. However, this approach also has some drawbacks:

Benefits Drawbacks
  • Dynamic behavior
  • Reduced boilerplate code
  • Improved flexibility
  • Performance overhead
  • Complexity in debugging
  • Limited IDE support

As with any dynamic programming approach, creating Kotlin classes at runtime comes with some performance overhead. Additionally, debugging complex scripts can be challenging, and IDE support may be limited.


Creating Kotlin classes at runtime using Kotlin scripting is a powerful feature that offers dynamic behavior, reduced boilerplate code, and improved flexibility. By following the instructions in this article, you can unlock the full potential of Kotlin scripting and create classes that inherit from other classes dynamically. Remember to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of this approach and use it judiciously in your projects.

With Kotlin scripting, the possibilities are endless. You can create complex systems that adapt to changing requirements, generate code on the fly, and push the boundaries of what’s possible in Kotlin programming.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started with Kotlin scripting today and discover the thrill of creating Kotlin classes at runtime!

Here are 5 questions and answers about creating a Kotlin class at runtime using Kotlin scripting which inherits another class:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most common questions about creating Kotlin classes at runtime using Kotlin scripting.

What is Kotlin scripting and how does it enable dynamic class creation?

Kotlin scripting is a feature that allows you to execute Kotlin code at runtime, treating it as a script. This feature enables dynamic class creation, allowing you to define and instantiate classes on the fly, which is particularly useful for applications that require flexibility and customization.

How do I create a Kotlin class at runtime using Kotlin scripting?

To create a Kotlin class at runtime using Kotlin scripting, you can use the `kotlin.script.experimental.api.ScriptCompilationConfiguration` class to compile a string of Kotlin code into a `KClass` object, which can then be instantiated using the `kotlin.reflect.KClass` class. You can also use the `kotlin.script.experimental.api.ScriptEvaluator` class to evaluate a script and get an instance of the class.

How do I make a dynamically created class inherit from another class?

To make a dynamically created class inherit from another class, you can specify the superclass in the Kotlin code string using the `:` keyword, just like in regular Kotlin class definitions. For example, `class MyClass : MySuperclass { … }`. The superclass can be a regular Kotlin class or another dynamically created class.

What are the benefits of creating Kotlin classes at runtime using Kotlin scripting?

Creating Kotlin classes at runtime using Kotlin scripting provides several benefits, including flexibility, customization, and dynamic behavior. It allows you to generate classes based on user input, configuration files, or other dynamic data, making your application more adaptable and responsive to changing requirements.

Are there any limitations or security concerns when creating Kotlin classes at runtime?

Yes, creating Kotlin classes at runtime using Kotlin scripting comes with some limitations and security concerns. For example, the dynamic code execution can pose security risks if not properly validated and sanitized, and the runtime compilation can impact performance. Additionally, the dynamically created classes may not be compatible with all Kotlin features and frameworks.

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