Solving the Elusive Flutter MobX ObservableList Conundrum: Why Your UI Isn’t Updating When Modifying Items Directly
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Solving the Elusive Flutter MobX ObservableList Conundrum: Why Your UI Isn’t Updating When Modifying Items Directly

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why your Flutter UI refuses to update when you modify items in an ObservableList using MobX? You’re not alone! This pesky issue has plagued many a developer, leaving them feeling frustrated and bewildered. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to unravel the mystery behind this confounding conundrum.

What’s the Problem, Anyway?

In MobX, an ObservableList is a special type of list that notifies its observers (e.g., your UI) when its contents change. Or, at least, that’s supposed to happen. When you modify an item in the list directly, the UI doesn’t update, leaving you with a stale, outdated representation of your data. It’s as if the ObservableList is ignoring your changes, leaving you feeling like you’re talking to a brick wall.

The Culprit: Immutable Objects

The root of this problem lies in the fact that, by default, MobX ObservableLists contain immutable objects. When you modify an item in the list, you’re creating a new instance of the object, rather than updating the existing one. This means that the ObservableList isn’t aware of the changes, as it still holds a reference to the original, unmodified object.

// Example of an immutable object
class Person {
  final String name;
  final int age;

  Person({required, required this.age});

In the above example, the `Person` class is immutable because its properties are marked as `final`. When you try to modify a `Person` object, a new instance is created, leaving the original object unchanged.

Solution 1: Use Mutable Objects

One way to tackle this issue is to use mutable objects in your ObservableList. By making your objects mutable, you can update their properties in place, ensuring that the ObservableList is aware of the changes.

// Example of a mutable object
class Person {
  String name;
  int age;

  Person({required, required this.age});

By removing the `final` keyword, we’ve made the `Person` class mutable. Now, when you modify a `Person` object, the changes will be reflected in the ObservableList, and the UI will update accordingly.

Be Cautious with Mutable Objects

While using mutable objects can solve the problem, it’s essential to exercise caution. With great power comes great responsibility! Mutable objects can lead to unexpected behavior and bugs if not used carefully.

  • Avoid sharing mutable objects across multiple parts of your application, as this can lead to unintended consequences.
  • Use mutable objects judiciously, and only when necessary, to minimize the risk of introducing bugs.
  • Consider using immutable objects with a factory method for creating new instances, as this can help mitigate the risks associated with mutable objects.

Solution 2: Use MobX’s `observe` Method

Another approach is to use MobX’s `observe` method to notify the ObservableList of changes to individual items. This method allows you to specify a callback function that will be executed when an item in the list changes.

import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';

part 'my_obx.g.dart';

class MyOBS with Store {
  ObservableList<Person> people = ObservableList<Person>();

  void modifyPerson(Person person) {
    observe(people, (List<Person> list) {
      list[list.indexOf(person)] = person.copyWith(name: 'New Name');

class Person {
  final String name;
  final int age;

  Person({required, required this.age});

  Person copyWith({String? name, int? age}) {
    return Person(name: name ??, age: age ?? this.age);

In this example, we’ve added an `observe` method to the `MyOBS` class. When the `modifyPerson` method is called, the `observe` method is used to specify a callback function that updates the corresponding item in the `people` list. This ensures that the ObservableList is aware of the changes and will notify its observers, resulting in a UI update.

The Power of `observe`

The `observe` method provides a flexible way to notify the ObservableList of changes to individual items. By using `observe`, you can:

  • Update individual items in the list without replacing the entire list.
  • Notify the ObservableList of changes made to items outside of the list itself.
  • Implement custom logic for handling changes to items in the list.

Solution 3: Use a Custom ObservableList

For situations where you need more control over the ObservableList, you can create a custom implementation that wraps the underlying list and provides the necessary functionality.

import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';

class CustomObservableList with Store {
  List _list = [];

  void add(T item) {

  void remove(T item) {

  void modifyItem(T item, void Function(T) modifier) {
    int index = _list.indexOf(item);
    if (index != -1) {

  List get items => _list;

In this example, we’ve created a `CustomObservableList` class that wraps a underlying list and provides methods for adding, removing, and modifying items. The `modifyItem` method takes a callback function that modifies the item, and then notifies the listeners with the index of the modified item.

The Benefits of a Custom ObservableList

By creating a custom ObservableList, you can:

  • Gain fine-grained control over the list’s behavior.
  • Implement custom logic for adding, removing, and modifying items.
  • Optimize performance by minimizing unnecessary notifications.


There you have it, folks! We’ve conquered the pesky issue of Flutter MobX ObservableList not updating the UI when modifying items directly. By using mutable objects, MobX’s `observe` method, or creating a custom ObservableList, you can ensure that your UI remains in sync with your data.

Remember, when working with ObservableLists, it’s essential to understand the nuances of immutable and mutable objects, and how to harness the power of MobX’s `observe` method. With these solutions in your toolkit, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most challenging data-binding scenarios.

Happy coding, and may the UI updates be ever in your favor!

Solution Pros Cons
Use Mutable Objects Easy to implement, works for simple scenarios Risk of introducing bugs, requires careful handling
Use MobX’s `observe` Method Flexible, customizable, and efficient Requires understanding of MobX’s observe mechanism
Create a Custom ObservableList Highly customizable, flexible, and optimized Requires more code, can be complex to implement

Which solution will you choose? The world is yours to code!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with Flutter MobX ObservableList not updating the UI when modifying items directly? Worry not, friend! We’ve got you covered with these frequently asked questions and answers.

Why doesn’t my ObservableList update the UI when I modify an item directly?

This is because when you modify an item directly, MobX doesn’t receive a notification that the underlying data has changed. To fix this, you can use the `observe` method on the ObservableList to notify MobX of the change. For example: `myObservableList = observes(myList, onChange: () => setState(() {}));`

How do I use the `observe` method to update the UI?

You can use the `observe` method in your widget’s `initState` method. For example: `myObservableList.observe(onChange: () => setState(() {}));`. This will notify the UI to rebuild when the ObservableList changes.

Why do I need to use `setState` when using the `observe` method?

You need to use `setState` because it triggers a rebuild of the widget tree. Without it, the UI won’t update even if the ObservableList changes. By calling `setState` inside the `onChange` callback, you ensure that the UI is updated when the ObservableList changes.

Can I use `notifyListeners` instead of `observe`?

Yes, you can use `notifyListeners` instead of `observe`. `notifyListeners` is a method on the ObservableList that notifies all listeners that the list has changed. This can be used in place of `observe` to update the UI.

What if I’m using a `StatelessWidget`? How do I update the UI in that case?

If you’re using a `StatelessWidget`, you can use a `Store` to manage your ObservableList. The `Store` will notify the UI to update when the ObservableList changes. You can then use a `Observer` widget to rebuild the UI when the ObservableList changes.