The Mysterious Case of the “CString not terminated” Error: A Step-by-Step Guide to Resolution with LLDB-MI in Visual Studio Code on Windows ARM64
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The Mysterious Case of the “CString not terminated” Error: A Step-by-Step Guide to Resolution with LLDB-MI in Visual Studio Code on Windows ARM64

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As a developer, there’s nothing more frustrating than encountering an error that seems to come out of nowhere, only to leave you scratching your head and searching for answers. One such error that has been known to plague developers working with LLDB-MI in Visual Studio Code on Windows ARM64 is the infamous “CString not terminated” error. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to conquer this mystical creature and emerge victorious on the other side.

What is the “CString not terminated” Error?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what this error is all about. The “CString not terminated” error typically occurs when using LLDB-MI with Visual Studio Code on Windows ARM64, and it’s usually accompanied by a cryptic message that reads something like:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  CString not terminated

In simple terms, this error occurs when the LLDB-MI debugger is unable to properly process a CString (a type of string used in C++). But why does this happen, you ask? Well, that’s what we’re about to find out.

Causes of the “CString not terminated” Error

After conducting an exhaustive investigation, we’ve narrowed down the possible causes of this error to a few common culprits:

  • Incompatible LLDB-MI Version**: Using an outdated or incompatible version of LLDB-MI can lead to this error. Make sure you’re running the latest version of LLDB-MI that’s compatible with your Visual Studio Code and Windows ARM64 setup.
  • Corrupted Debug Information**: Sometimes, corrupted debug information can cause LLDB-MI to malfunction, resulting in the “CString not terminated” error. Try recompiling your code and ensuring that your debug information is up-to-date.
  • Incorrect LLVM Configuration**: Misconfigured LLVM settings can also lead to this error. We’ll cover how to configure LLVM correctly later in this article.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Resolve the “CString not terminated” Error

Now that we’ve identified the causes of the error, let’s move on to the good stuff – resolving it! Follow these steps carefully to bid adieu to the “CString not terminated” error:

Step 1: Update LLDB-MI to the Latest Version

Open Visual Studio Code and navigate to the Extensions panel (Ctrl + Shift + X on Windows or Cmd + Shift + X on Mac). Search for “LLDB-MI” and click on the “Update” button to ensure you’re running the latest version.

Step 2: Verify Debug Information

Recompile your code to ensure that your debug information is up-to-date. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

g++ -g -o myprogram myprogram.cpp

Replace “myprogram” with your actual program name and “myprogram.cpp” with your source file.

Step 3: Configure LLVM Correctly

LLVM configuration is crucial to resolving the “CString not terminated” error. Here’s how to do it:

settings.json {

  "lldb-mi.llvm.config": {
    "arm64": {
      "target-arch": "arm64",
      "target-os": "windows",
      "target-abi": "aapcs"

Make sure to add this configuration to your `settings.json` file. You can do this by opening the Command Palette in Visual Studio Code (Ctrl + Shift + P on Windows or Cmd + Shift + P on Mac), typing “Open Settings (JSON)”, and adding the above configuration.

Step 4: Disable ASLR (Optional)

In some cases, Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) can interfere with LLDB-MI’s functionality, leading to the “CString not terminated” error. Disabling ASLR can help resolve the issue. Here’s how to do it:

  "lldb-mi.debugger.args": ["- disable-aslr"]

Add this configuration to your `settings.json` file. Note that this step is optional and only recommended if you’re still experiencing issues after following the previous steps.

Step 5: Verify and Test

After completing the above steps, verify that your LLDB-MI debugger is working correctly. You can do this by setting a breakpoint in your code, running the debugger, and checking if the error persists. If you’ve followed the instructions correctly, the “CString not terminated” error should be gone.


In conclusion, the “CString not terminated” error when using LLDB-MI with Visual Studio Code on Windows ARM64 can be a frustrating experience, but it’s not insurmountable. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the error and get back to debugging your code in no time. Remember to stay calm, be patient, and don’t hesitate to seek help if you’re still experiencing issues.

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

If you’re still experiencing issues after following the above steps, here are some additional troubleshooting tips and tricks to help you out:

Troubleshooting Tip Description
Check LLDB-MI Logs LLDB-MI logs can provide valuable insights into the error. Check the logs for any errors or warnings that might indicate the cause of the issue.
Disable Other Extensions Sometimes, other extensions might be interfering with LLDB-MI. Try disabling other extensions one by one to isolate the issue.
Check System Configuration Ensure that your system configuration meets the minimum requirements for LLDB-MI and Visual Studio Code.

We hope this article has been helpful in resolving the “CString not terminated” error when using LLDB-MI with Visual Studio Code on Windows ARM64. Remember, debugging is an art, and with patience and persistence, you can overcome even the most stubborn errors.

Happy debugging!

Frequently Asked Question

Finding solutions to common issues when using LLDB-MI with Visual Studio Code on Windows ARM64 can be a challenge. Here are some answers to frequently encountered questions about “"CString not terminated" errors.

What is the “"CString not terminated" error, and why does it occur?

This error typically occurs when the LLDB-MI debugger is unable to properly terminate a CString, which is a string class in C++. This can happen due to incompatible character sets, incorrect string handling, or even bugs in the LLDB-MI implementation. When encountered, it can prevent the debugger from functioning correctly, leading to frustration and wasted development time.

How can I troubleshoot the “"CString not terminated" error in LLDB-MI?

To troubleshoot this error, start by reviewing your code and ensuring that all CString objects are properly initialized and terminated. Verify that your project settings are configured correctly, including character set and encoding. You may also want to try updating your LLDB-MI version or switching to a different debugger. If the issue persists, consider filing a bug report with the LLDB-MI development team or seeking community support.

Is there a workaround for the “"CString not terminated" error in LLDB-MI?

One potential workaround is to use a different string class, such as std::string, instead of CString. This may require significant code changes, but it can help avoid the termination issue. Another option is to try disabling the “Stop on CString not terminated” option in your debugger settings. Keep in mind that this may not always resolve the underlying issue and could potentially lead to other problems.

Can I use a third-party library to resolve the “"CString not terminated" error?

Yes, there are third-party libraries available that can help resolve the “"CString not terminated" error. For example, some CString wrapper libraries can provide additional functionality and error handling to prevent termination issues. However, be cautious when introducing new dependencies, and thoroughly evaluate the benefits and potential drawbacks of using a third-party library in your project.

Will the “"CString not terminated" error be fixed in future versions of LLDB-MI?

The LLDB-MI development team is continuously working to improve the debugger and resolve known issues. While there is no official timeline for a fix, reporting the issue and providing detailed reproduction steps can help raise awareness and priority for a resolution. Stay tuned for updates, and monitor the LLDB-MI changelog for fixes related to CString termination.