Solving OpenSearch Issue: Failed to Parse Date Field with Format Epoch_Millis
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Solving OpenSearch Issue: Failed to Parse Date Field with Format Epoch_Millis

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When working with OpenSearch, you may encounter an error message stating “Failed to parse date field with format epoch_millis.” This issue can be frustrating, especially if you’re not familiar with the underlying causes. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this error and provide a step-by-step guide to resolving it.

Understanding the Epoch_Millis Format

The epoch_millis format is a common date format used in OpenSearch, which represents the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. This format is widely used in computing and is particularly useful for storing and processing date and time data.

Causes of the “Failed to Parse Date Field” Error

The “Failed to parse date field with format epoch_millis” error can occur due to several reasons, including:

  • Incorrect data type: The date field is not defined as a date type in the OpenSearch index.
  • Invalid data format: The date data is not in the correct epoch_millis format.
  • Index mapping issues: The index mapping is not correctly configured for the date field.
  • Data corruption: The date data is corrupted or contains invalid values.

Resolving the “Failed to Parse Date Field” Error

To resolve the “Failed to parse date field with format epoch_millis” error, follow these steps:

  1. Check the data type: Ensure that the date field is defined as a date type in the OpenSearch index. You can do this by using the OpenSearch APIs or through the OpenSearch Dashboard.

  2. Verify the data format: Confirm that the date data is in the correct epoch_millis format. You can use tools like to convert date values to epoch_millis format.

  3. Review index mapping: Check the index mapping to ensure that it is correctly configured for the date field. You can use the OpenSearch APIs or the OpenSearch Dashboard to review and update the index mapping.

  4. Re-index data: If the data is corrupted or contains invalid values, re-index the data to ensure that it is correct and consistent.

  5. Test the solution: Once you’ve made the necessary changes, test the solution to ensure that the “Failed to parse date field with format epoch_millis” error is resolved.


The “Failed to parse date field with format epoch_millis” error in OpenSearch can be a challenging issue to resolve. However, by understanding the causes of the error and following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your OpenSearch application up and running smoothly.

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with OpenSearch and date parsing issues? We’ve got you covered!

Why does OpenSearch fail to parse date fields with the epoch_millis format?

OpenSearch requires epoch_millis date fields to be in milliseconds, not seconds. Make sure your date field values are multiplied by 1000 to convert seconds to milliseconds. For example, if your epoch timestamp is 1643723400, it should be 1643723400000 in OpenSearch.

How can I debug date parsing issues in OpenSearch?

Enable debug logging for the date parser by setting the log level to DEBUG for the org.opensearch.index.mapper.FieldMapper class. This will provide detailed information about date parsing errors. You can also use the OpenSearch Dev Tools or a REST client to test date parsing with different formats and values.

Can I use epoch_millis as the default date format in OpenSearch?

Yes, you can set epoch_millis as the default date format in OpenSearch by specifying it in the index settings. For example, you can add the following to your index settings: “date_formats”: [“epoch_millis”]. This will enable epoch_millis as the default date format for all date fields in your index.

Why does OpenSearch throw an error when parsing epoch_millis dates with negative values?

OpenSearch expects epoch_millis dates to be positive values, representing timestamps after the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC). Negative values are not supported. If you have negative values, you’ll need to adjust them to be positive by adding the absolute value of the negative timestamp to the Unix epoch.

Can I use epoch_millis with other date formats in OpenSearch?

Yes, you can combine epoch_millis with other date formats in OpenSearch. For example, you can specify multiple date formats in the index settings, like this: “date_formats”: [“epoch_millis”, “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”]. This allows OpenSearch to parse dates in multiple formats, including epoch_millis.